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- Comoros

Comoros has 46MW decentralized installed capacity, which is heavily reliant on biomass and imported heavy fuels. The energy mix consists of 94.4% heavy fuels, 5.4% solar and 0.2% hydropower with more potential still to be realized mostly from hydropower, solar PV and geothermal. The target contribution from renewables is 28% by 2024.
The Ministry of Energy, Water, and Hydrocarbons (Ministère de l'Energie de l'Eau et des Hydrocarbures, (MEEH) which is also the National Focal Institution for SACREEEE oversees the energy sector while the responsibility for day-to-day electricity service delivery rests with the Comoros National Electricity Corporation (“Société Nationale de l’Electricité des Comores, SONELEC).
The average energy access for the country is 84% comprising 87% urban and 81% access rates.