SACREEE, a specialized agency of the SADC energy institutions, promotes market-based adoption of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies in SADC Member States to enhance energy access and security, supporting socio-economic development. Guided by SADC strategic plans and infrastructure development master plans, SACREEE coordinates efforts across governments, private sector, and civil society. It monitors the implementation of the SADC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plan, aiming to create sustainable energy markets and industries. SACREEE operates under a business model relying on Member States' contributions, project funding, and fee-for-service assignments. Given the evolving energy landscape, SACREEE is revising its business plan (2019-2023) to develop a new plan (2025-2029), aligning with global decarbonization efforts to address energy insecurity in the region.
Interested service providers are invited to submit their proposals in English no later than June 14, 2024, via email to:
The Executive Director, SACREEE Secretariat
Windhoek, Namibia
Email: procurement@sacreee.org
Queries should also be directed to the same email address no later than five days from the submission deadline.
Note: Below find attached SACREEE responses to questions raised by potential bidders: